Give your Teenager the Space He/She Needs


You’ve always known how teenagers behave.  Even you were a teen once!  Yet, you never thought it would happen to your children.

You may have noticed that they’re suddenly embarrassed to be seen with you in public.  The next step might involve ignoring you or rolling their eyes at everything you say.  Finally, they’re slamming bedroom doors.

We hope things don’t get to this point, but if they do, it might be time for a little space – for both of you.  It’s amazing how time spent apart can significantly improve the time when you’re together.

Now, you’re all for giving your kids a little free space, but you still want to be in control.  We totally understand. The best solution may be to create a special area for them in the backyard. This can easily be achieved with the help of a portable warehouse.

Our sheds are constructed using the best design and materials. They can easily be converted into your teen’s new favorite hangout spot!

Let the space serve as a musical practice area or an art studio. Want to go even further?  Follow the instructions here for how to insulate your new portable shed!  Then, make the place feel like your son or daughter’s own private, backyard oasis. You could include items like a sofa, a TV, a mini fridge, etc.

What you choose to do with this space can be as unique as your teen is!  You’ll likely receive a huge “thank you” and an improved relationship in the years to come.

Learn more about Cook Portable Warehouses by downloading our free, printable brochure below!
