6 Ways to Simplify Spring Cleaning


If you have been working on those non-fun spring cleaning and organizing tasks and wishing you were outside enjoying the beautiful weather, we totally understand! Sometimes those seasonal household errands seem like a never-ending hassle.

At Cook, our focus is one streamlining life with helpful storage solutions and organizational tactics for our customers and anyone else! So here are 6 of our favorite springtime cleaning and organizing recommendations! And for more springtime cleaning tips, read this post!

Schedule cleaning tasks

Make a schedule that is about one hour and one task every day. Then, you won’t get overwhelmed trying to clean your whole house after work or ruining an entire weekend stuck inside. Breaking up cleaning and organizing into smaller tasks will make the whole process more efficient.

A sample schedule could be:

Monday: Dusting
Tuesday: Vacuuming
Wednesday: Scrubbing bathrooms, kitchens
Thursday: Cleaning surfaces, appliances
Friday: Organizing, decluttering
Saturday: Doing laundry
Sunday: Decorating (or just relaxing after a busy week!)

Make a checklist 

Make a list of all those springtime jobs that you only do once or twice a year. Those are the ones that tend to be forgotten in the shuffle. Break up those odd jobs into 1-2 per week to make sure nothing is forgotten.

For example, maybe you take those heavy winter coats, window coverings and comforters to the dry cleaners, switch out your wardrobe or check all the smoke detectors and fire extinguishers yearly.

Clean out of sight areas

It’s easy to just clean the outside of furniture and those places that your family and guests see daily. But don’t forget about those hidden spaces. Move the furniture pieces that have been sitting in the same place for too long and clean under them.

Spring is the perfect season to organize cabinets, closets, drawers, bins, boxes, your pantry and any other inside storage areas. Those are great tasks to break up over the week or give to younger family members.

Use the right tools

When cleaning and organizing, one of the most important ways to maintain efficiency is to have the right supplies on hand. Running back and forth to the store or your storage unit to find the right stuff wastes a lot of time.

Other than those important cleaning products (window and surface, bathroom/tile and toilet bowl cleaners), it also smart to have dusting cloths, rubber gloves, an apron with pockets to transport your supplies from room to room. Keep all the larger equipment (brooms, mops, vacuums, dustpans) in one place and organized.

Make it fun

This might be a little easier said than done because not many of us think cleaning is fun. But before getting started with the arduous task of spring cleaning, think of that great feeling you will have at the end.

Play upbeat music and start up a dance party while cleaning. Or get your family or friends involved, split up the tasks and promise a fun outing afterwards. Play cleaning games like who can complete a certain task the quickest and have little prizes for the winner. Another fun idea is to swap cleaning a room with a friend or neighbor.

Enjoy the spring weather

Try and enjoy the spring weather while you are stuck inside cleaning. If it’s nice outside, open your windows to get some fresh air, get rid of the musty winter air and protect yourself from the cleaning product fumes.

Or get outside and do some organizing to your garden, garage or Cook storage shed. Clean your garage and shed and take stock of any outdated or broken tools or supplies that need to be replaced. But one thing that won’t need to be replaced is your sturdy, durable Cook Portable Warehouse.

For more read some of our top spring organization tips by downloading our helpful, free guide below!
