How to Prepare your Furniture for Storage in 5 Easy Steps [Video]

{{ script_embed(‘wistia’, ‘rr0rnw132m’, ‘undefined’) }}   People choose to store a wide range of items in their portable sheds. You may be remodeling or perhaps you have returning college students. Oftentimes, this storage list includes couches, tables, and other furniture. The important thing to remember is that such items usually call for protective measures. Without proper planning, accidents can happen. Glass … Read More

Storage Ideas When College Students Come Home

You got them through another year. No more late night stress calls about finals. No more worrying that they aren’t eating healthy enough between classes. Or whether they’re partying too much instead of studying. Now, they’re heading home. You’re excited…and a little apprehensive. That’s ok! This will be a transition for both of you, but it doesn’t have to be … Read More

3 Security Tips for Protecting your Shed

Backyard sheds are often used to store some of our most prized possessions. Much like a house, it’s important your shed be adequately secure and protected. There are certain things burglars look for in their pursuit. By being aware of these factors now, you’ll be able to better protect your belongings in the future. Here are three security tips for … Read More

How to Prepare Your Shed for Spring Fun

The time for gardening, sports and outdoor fun is almost here. So, spend the last days of winter preparing and dreaming of the fun ahead. Begin by cleaning out and organizing your shed. That way, when the warmer weather arrives, you aren’t fishing through clutter to find a deflated soccer ball. Instead, you’re ready to enjoy a game with the … Read More

How to Prepare your Grill for Cold Weather Storage

Sadly the days of summer barbecues are coming to an end. We can all remember those great times fondly while we are inside huddled by the fire staying away from winter weather. We can also look forward to next spring and summer when the grill comes back out and the fun of outdoor entertaining and grilling begins again! But, one … Read More

How to Get your Closets Ready for Fall

The air is getting chiller and those emblems of fall like pumpkins, falling leaves and hot chocolate are growing more popular. And, any seasonal change means it’s time to switch out your wardrobe and accessories. The transition from spring/summer to fall/winter is big because you are going from bikinis, sundresses and shorts to jackets, gloves and hats. Let’s get focused … Read More

Fall Storage Tips for your Outdoor Summer Accessories

Everyone needs to have secure storage space for those things that we get tons of use out of in the fun spring and summer months. You want to make sure all those items are still looking great when those seasons come again next year! A Cook Portable Warehouse withstands every type of weather and will be standing strong when you … Read More

How to Get Creative with your Home Storage Needs

Demand for storage solutions that make sense, are affordable and fit into your existing home decor, continues to rise. More storage options means a less cluttered life, reduced stress and a higher resale value for your property. And the right storage options are all about efficiency, functionality and compatibility with your existing lifestyle. We believe a Cook shed checks every … Read More

Simple Ways to Store Sports Equipment in your Shed

We bet your kids definitely have their favorite sport (or many favorites). But all that equipment and gear takes up a ton of space! So before your home, garage or Cook shed becomes overwhelmed with all those sports balls, rackets, clothing, shoes and more, use these 4 simple tips to keep that sports equipment organized!

Why It’s a Good Idea to Keep your Stuff

We all probably have more stuff than we actually use. Most people probably don’t even realize they have as much as they actually do. Even if you donate or sell some of these items throughout the year, things will just start to pile up again. It’s a part of life. Knowing you have enough space for your stuff despite what … Read More