How to Keep your Emergency Stockpile Organized

So, we have talked about the importance of having an emergency stockpile on hand in case of a crisis. To read more about what you should have in your stockpile, read this post for food items and this post for other things. If you have started getting your stockpile together, good job! But now you are probably wondering, where you … Read More

How to Find the Value of Your Stuff

In our last blog post, we talked about why storing those collectibles and antiques in your Cook shed is preferable over other options like the basement, attic or garage. We also discussed the importance of having an up-to-date inventory, knowing what you have and the value of these items. Then, if you need to sell something, give something to another … Read More

How to Store your Collectibles inside your Cook Shed

We all have those special possessions that are more important than all the others. They could be treasured family keepsakes, collectibles that have been passed down through generations, or something that just evokes a powerful memory. Whatever is special to you has to be stored in the safest, more secure place in your home. But you might have these things … Read More

Essential Items to Add to Your Emergency Kit

Bad weather or other emergency situations can happen at any time. With any change or problem that life throws at you, it’s important to be prepared beforehand! In this blog we talked about the food and drink products you should stockpile in case of an emergency. These things are critical to have on hand and it’s important they are stored in … Read More

7 Must Have Foods for your Emergency Stockpile

It’s critical to be prepared for a short or long term emergency year round with enough supplies to last between 7-10 days. Storms and other emergencies can leave your family stuck at home, roads impassable and other stores closed. So, it’s important to keep an ongoing stockpile of those necessities that you could need for anything from a tornado, hurricane, … Read More

Top Reasons We Hold onto our Stuff

Everyone holds onto things that might have outlived their usefulness. From a broken item with sentimental value to a part you know you’ll need again someday, we understand. At Cook, we advocate an organized lifestyle because it serves to reduce your stress level and increase your comfort level while at home. But we also know there is stuff that you … Read More

The Ultimate Week by Week Spring Cleaning Schedule

So why is spring always the season for cleaning and organizing? It’s just the perfect time to rotate the stuff you have in storage to reflect the major change in the temperature outside. You have to put those winter items like sports gear, holiday decorations and winter weather supplies back in storage. Then, bring those things out of storage that … Read More

3 Springtime Ways to Enjoy your Cook Shed

Spring is the season to enjoy the outdoors and your Cook shed can play a key role in your fun outside activities. Whatever your choice of springtime fun, use your portable building to hold your supplies or just make playing or entertaining outside easier and more stress-free! In case you don’t know where to get started, here are some creative … Read More

10 Tips to Have the Best Yard Sale Part 2

In our last post, we talked about some helpful tips to ensure your yard/garage sale is productive by helping you pare down the clutter and make more usable space inside your home, garage or storage shed. But we aren’t done yet, here are 5 more great tips so your yard sale is successful and worth the effort! If you are … Read More

10 Tips to Have the Best Yard Sale Part 1

Spring is the perfect time to downsize some of that stuff around your home with the age-old concept of a yard/garage sale. The spring time weather will have buyers ready to find some great deals after being cooped up inside all winter. Yard sales are a great way to declutter your home but for all those items you need to … Read More