How to Prepare for a Successful Yard Sale in 7 Easy Steps

Timing is crucial when it comes to planning a yard sale or garage sale. Spring and summer are clearly the ideal times to hold your sale. Therefore, the time to begin your preparations is now. With the weather warming up, people are getting out of their winter slumps and looking forward to the summer ahead. This new burst of activity … Read More

7 Undeniable Reasons to Get in Shape and Stay that Way

How are those New Year’s resolutions coming along?  That’s probably not a question you were expecting to hear in April, huh? The truth is that by this point in the year, many people have already lost sight of keeping the resolutions they made in January. Are you one of them? Perhaps, one of the most common goals people have is … Read More

7 Steps to Achieving your Perfect Home Landscaping

After a long winter, it’s time to reclaim your yard and get it looking better than ever. Not sure where to start? Well, you’re in luck!  Here are the 7 fundamental steps of any great landscaping project.

What is Minimalism? A Solution for Your Overcrowded Life

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by everything around you? Your work life, social life, and family life are just too much to balance. It doesn’t help that you come home to a house filled wall to wall with stuff. This isn’t to say you’re anywhere near the “hoarder” level; maybe you just went a little overboard when it came to … Read More

What to Do When Moving into a Small House or Apartment

Ideally, we’d all live in mansions with more space and stuff than we’d know what to do with. Well, you’ve already got the surplus of stuff, but what about that extra space?  There’s no way all of your things will fit into this new house or apartment. What can you possibly do to improve the situation?