How to Get your Closets Ready for Fall

The air is getting chiller and those emblems of fall like pumpkins, falling leaves and hot chocolate are growing more popular. And, any seasonal change means it’s time to switch out your wardrobe and accessories. The transition from spring/summer to fall/winter is big because you are going from bikinis, sundresses and shorts to jackets, gloves and hats. Let’s get focused … Read More

How to Get Creative with your Home Storage Needs

Demand for storage solutions that make sense, are affordable and fit into your existing home decor, continues to rise. More storage options means a less cluttered life, reduced stress and a higher resale value for your property. And the right storage options are all about efficiency, functionality and compatibility with your existing lifestyle. We believe a Cook shed checks every … Read More

6 Tips to Make Raking Leaves Quicker and Easier

The beginning of fall brings a ton of great things! From cooler weather, to pumpkin spiced everything and great holidays like Halloween and Thanksgiving, there is a lot to like about the season. But, one not so fun thing about fall is all those leaves “falling” from the sky! No one wants to spend their weekend raking or spend their … Read More

Creative Storage Tips for your Tiny Home

A big and growing trend in home ownership is the idea of tiny homes. These residential spaces are meant to disprove the idea that “bigger is always better” when it comes to home ownership. Tiny homes are just meant to provide the essential space that people or families need without extra room that could get cluttered up. This new movement … Read More

How to Convert your Cook Shed into a Guest House

Every family needs space for guests but sometimes doesn’t have the room for them inside their home   A guest room is important when friends and family want to come visit, but might not have the available funds to rent a hotel room. One way to maximize the space you have and provide your guests with some added privacy is … Read More

Why It’s a Good Idea to Keep your Stuff

We all probably have more stuff than we actually use. Most people probably don’t even realize they have as much as they actually do. Even if you donate or sell some of these items throughout the year, things will just start to pile up again. It’s a part of life. Knowing you have enough space for your stuff despite what … Read More

How to Prevent Storm Damage around your Home

It’s important to understand how to avoid storm or weather related damage around your home. There are several smart things you can do now to be prepared for a storm that hits later. Don’t forget the story of Cook customer Dorothy Baldwin of Florida whose property and life were most likely saved by her strong, durable Cook shed!

Reasons to Convert your Building into a Pub Shed

Did you know that your Cook shed can become a space for anything you have ever dreamed about having at your home? Maybe you didn’t have the space or didn’t have the funds for an expensive addition. Well now you can convert a space you already have (like a Cook building) or make the smart investment by purchasing and renovating … Read More

7 Biggest Home Design Trends for 2015

It’s not easy to stay up-to-date with the newest trends in home ownership during days busy with work and family responsibilities. But it’s also important to keep your home looking its best. That’s why we discuss cleaning and organizing your home, garage and shed so much on our Cook blog!

5 Essentials for a Green, Healthy Lawn

We all know there is that one house on your block or in your neighborhood with the greenest, most lush lawn. Everyone who drives by wonders what the key is to that person’s green thumb. Well don’t be too intimidated because the path to a lawn that makes your neighbors jealous isn’t too difficult. You just need to learn the … Read More