9 Ways to Maximize the Space you Have at Home

Having the right amount of space in your home for your family’s needs and to hold all your stuff comfortably is essential to enjoying time spend inside. Just like with your storage shed, you might have outgrown your current space and are looking for solutions. One is to move to a new larger home or trade-up to a larger Cook … Read More

5 Ways to Organize and Purge your Stuff

So being cooped up inside all winter especially during those no-fun winter storms makes you realize how much clutter has piled up around your home.  And we all know about the tried and true method of getting rid of those unwanted items: the garage sale. But while it’s still a little too chilly for an outdoor sale, here are some … Read More

Easy Ways to Organize your Winter Gear

So with spring as close as one page turn on our calendars, we all might have started to dream about those fun things we want to do in the warmer weather. But those spring gardening tasks, family walks around the block and that first motorcycle ride are going to have to wait a little bit longer. Winter weather can hit … Read More

The Essential Winter Storm Home Guide from Cook

When winter storms hit, you want to know your family is prepared and ready for anything. Wintertime brings a whole new set of challenges including keeping your house well stocked and organized. Hazardous conditions, power loss or busted pipes can also add additional stress, so you want to know that you have everything prepared beforehand. So before and after a … Read More

9 Things to Buy for your Home Before Spring

As the weather gets warmer and winter (finally) begins to turn to spring, we all start thinking about the fun spring and summer months on the horizon. But the end of winter and beginning of a new year is a great time to stock up on things during the off-season that you can make use of throughout the year! And … Read More

Easy Ways to Make Organizing your Home More Fun

Organizing your home is just one of those countless things like cleaning the bathroom, weeding the flower beds or changing out your closets seasonally that tend to get lost in the shuffle. With busy work weeks and weekends full of family activities and hopefully some fun stuff too, organization is the last thing on our minds! But if you could … Read More

More Money Saving Tips for your Home

Throughout January we have published a series of posts on how to save money around your home during the winter months. Our posts fit into one of three categories: increasing energy efficiency, listing creative tactics to save money or other ways to refurbish or reuse your existing items! Here are 5 more ideas from each category and links to help … Read More

5 Tips to Make Your Windows More Energy Efficient

When you’re trying to save money in your home during the cold winter months by conserving energy a point of emphasis should be the windows and doors. Some ways to decrease those costs are simple and inexpensive and other could require more effort and are more costly. But both will pay off in the long run with a more energy … Read More

7 Things to Repurpose and Make New around your Home

At Cook, we love a good deal! And we love tips that can help us save money around our homes by repurposing items that we already have just sitting around. Those broken, unused or forgotten things that are in the back of your closets can be brought back to life with a little cleaning, buffing, a quick coat of paint … Read More

How to Reduce your Home Energy Costs for Free

When trying to save money and make your home more energy efficient during the winter months, there are plenty of things you can do, but many of them require some upfront cost. If you are looking for 5 easy ways to make your home more energy efficient, read this post! Or you know we couldn’t forget about those storage spaces, … Read More